
Exemplary non-profit Leadership and Higher Education - Blenda Wilson, PhD

Retired President, Nellie Mae Educational Foundation

This article is part of the quest for revolutionary leadership has received considerable powers and enthusiastic reviews from well-known prominent business, political and academic leaders who either participated in the study or reviewed the research results. Sixteen leaders were interviewed on "Leadership and overcoming hardship."

Dr. Wilson won more adversity. These includedsignificant racial, gender, age, and discrimination. Blenda first experience with discrimination was great during his school years in New Jersey. Although it was in National Honor Society Blenda Wilson High School guidance counselors completely failed to discuss or ask for help Blenda in college. Blenda comment was: "Actually, I was told to take 'a class of typo ... and then said: "You are beautiful, and you could be a secretary."

Wilson simply ignored the "average"Consultants and directly contacted several universities for admission and scholarship information. Wilson was applied to all universities, including prestigious universities such as the large accepted the "Seven Sisters". However, the most important college scholarships offered only one year with a number of renewals. Blenda wanted to get a four-year scholarship to ensure that they complete their university education. Cedar Crest College guarantees four-year scholarships lessons BlendaMoney, a travel budget and a job. So Blenda went to Cedar Crest College and received his diploma.

He did not know that there is nothing to stop her education receiving her. After graduating from Cedar Crest College Blenda earned a master's degree in education from Seton Hall then completed a doctorate in higher education from Boston College.

Before she graduated and began his career as a college guide, Blenda expert on gender and ageDiscrimination against African-American men, both by their organization and the local community. Although Wilson was clearly more qualified and had more education than their male competitors were many people clamoring for the rejection of the program of his being appointed as its executive director of the Middlesex County Economic Opportunity Corporation Head Start. Blenda Wilson noted that "The African-American men in the community were shocked that a woman would have this keyLocation ... One of the criteria was that they wanted someone with a college degree. I had one. None of the African-American men did. "Blenda age and experience with sex discrimination and prejudices of the people in black and white.

Blenda Wilson shared that to take a vacation from their position as local high school teaching to be the director of Middlesex County Economic Opportunity Corporation, "really changed my life. I'm doing the Head Start program that was started ...all in 1960 with the "war on poverty", the Office of economic opportunity. I [Wilson] wanted to change the world. "

In 1969, after earning his doctorate, Dr. Wilson began his career in higher education administration at Rutgers University. Then 1972-1982 Blenda "was youngest Senior Associate Dean of the Graduate School of Education at Harvard, where he again met the age discrimination.

Dr. Blenda Wilson was the first Vice-Presidentfor effective management of the sector at Independent Sector (1982-1984). Independent Sector is a nonpartisan coalition of approximately 600 leading organizations, strengthening and mobilizing the charitable community.

During his stay in the governor's cabinet as executive director of the Colorado Commission on Higher Education, have created a plan (the law was in 1985) in favor of a more efficient organization of higher education within the state.

Dr. Wilson was the firstWoman in 1992 at the head of a four year college in the state of Michigan ever Chancellor of the University of Michigan Dearborn campus from 1988 to. Wilson has been widely recognized for his outburst of Arab-American community Dearborn and Detroit, the African-American community.

While Dr. Wilson's term as president of California State University, Northridge, from 1992 to 1999, Dr. Wilson issued a series of strategic plans to best suit the people of SanFernando Valley. Wilson also led the university to the enormous task of rebuilding the California State University, after the devastating Northridge earthquake of 1994.

Dr. Blenda Wilson was a former president of the prestigious American Association of Higher Education. Wilson was the first woman to chair the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and was vice chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, where he served on the board of directors since Dr. Wilson 2003 to 2006th servedBoard of Directors of several non-profit organizations, such as the Getty Museum, the College Board, and recently as interim president of his alma mater degree, Cedar Crest College.

Dr. Wilson was the first President and Chief Executive Officer of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation from 1999 to 2006. The Nellie Mae Education Foundation, founded in 1998, is the largest public charity dedicated to improving New England School Performance for disadvantaged communities. During his seven years in office, Dr. Blenda Wilson was a very successful CEO of the Nellie Mae Education Foundation.

Under the leadership of Dr. Wilson, Nellie Mae Education Foundation (NMEF) distributed more than $ 80 million in grants to various educational institutions and non-profit organizations, students, improving access to higher education for the deserving. The NMEF was founded to promote the quality, accessibility and efficiency,> Education pre-school through high school levels, particularly for disadvantaged populations. The Nellie Mae Education Foundation has a net worth of about $ 400,000,000, making it one of the largest foundations in New England, and the largest focused exclusively on improving higher education.

Dr. Wilson has more than 25 honorary doctorates from colleges and universities, including Cedar Crest College, Rutgers, was awarded the University of Massachusetts,Brandeis University and Boston College. Wilson has used the service on the boards of Boston College and Union Theological Seminary, the Board of Directors of the National Center for Higher Education Management Systems, the Board of Higher Education resources, and the Boards of Boston "After School Boston College and beyond, and Federated Dorchester Neighborhood Houses. Wilson is currently a member of the Board of Directors of Medco HealthSolutions.

Dr. Blenda Wilson has an impressive track record of effective life dealing with complex issues of education policy. Dr. Blenda Wilson still takes time out of his busy schedule to select the coach and mentor to aspiring managers.

Dr. Blenda Wilson, shares the story of a lifelong struggle against adversity, in particular age, race and sex discrimination, and is an excellent example of an exceptional leader successfully overcome adversity!

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